Quantum Vine Pro


Quantumâ„¢ fan technology revolutionised viticulture spraying over 20 years ago. The Quantum Vine Pro vineyard sprayer will take it to the next level.

Set to become the premium model in the Croplands vineyard sprayer line-up, Quantum Vine Pro will deliver the same market-leading coverage and performance efficiency as its predecessors.

What sets the Vine Pro apart is the rugged new sprayer platform that has been designed to offer unrivalled versatility and stability across varying row widths and conditions.

Quantum Vine Pro has been released in 2024.

Quantum Vine Pro
Quantum Vine Pro. The future of viticulture spraying is coming.
Croplands Quantum Mist 420 Fan
QM-420 fans: turbulent, high volume air

Quantum high performance fans

Quantum Vine Pro vineyard sprayers will feature Croplands’ revolutionary QM-420 fans. These industry-leading fans produce highly turbulent, high-volume air for superior canopy penetration and crop protection.

Fitted with dual spray rings, the QM-420 can spray a wider band of application rates, while minimising off-target spray drift.

It is this technology that makes Croplands viticulture sprayers quite simply the best on the market.

explore our current range

Browse the Croplands Vineyard Sprayer Range for more details on our current Vineyard model line-up.