Fourth RoGator for Baboo Pastoral Company
16 December 2019

The RoGator C Series from Croplands has changed the game in professional-grade application. Designed to deliver more precise application, the RoGator C Serves has croppers from around Australia reporting extensive fuel savings, with an average of 23% on the new model when compared to the previous RoGator B Series.
Key to this is the revolutionary SmartDrive system which not only enables the C Series to burn less fuel, it also makes life easier for the operator.
Long-time RoGator owner Scott Smith from Baboo Pastoral Company, Green Range WA has recently taken delivery of a new RoGator C Series and he is already seeing positive impacts to his operation.
The new C Series uses noticeably less fuel and lower engine revs mean a smoother drive and a lightweight feeling in the cab.
Scott Smith, Baboo Pastoral Company WA
Engine RPM in the RoGator C Series is managed automatically to deliver drive and system performance, even in changing soil and terrain conditions resulting in fuel savings, reduction in wear and minimised operator fatigue.
Each wheel is monitored by a speed sensor, meaning that if any of the wheels start slipping the power to the ground is adjusted at the individual wheel motor. Like a continuously variable transmission (CVT) in a tractor, the tractor management system (TMS) controls the engine in conjunction with the transmission to adjust RPM automatically as required. This feature of the SmartDrive enables the engine to run at the ideal RPM resulting in a cooler system that burns less fuel and reduces wear on the engine.
Further adding to the comfort of the ride is turn compensation. The speed sensors register that the machine is turning on the headland and cause the inside wheel motors to operate at a different RPM to the outside wheel motors – reducing the soil disturbance on corners.
Scott crops a combination of canola, barley and wheat on his property located 80 kilometres from Albany. Depending on summer rainfall and weed and pest pressures, he averages between five and six spray passes each year at an application rate of 80 litres per hectare.
“We are averaging 1000 hours a year in the RoGator. In the first two months with the new machine, we’ve done 300 hours” says Scott.
With large hectares to cover, making daily spray operations more productive is key.
The RoGator C Series LiquidLogic system – arguably the world’s most advanced liquid-system technology – is designed with productivity in mind. It has a full boom recirculation system with E-Stop valves on each nozzle body, enabling on/off control at the nozzle body. The LiquidLogic system also keeps chemical in suspension – enabling the operator to prime the boom on the way to the paddock, eliminating downtime.
The one-piece boom allows for product recovery, which can be performed by the operator from the cab. This feature is a real money saver when weather conditions suddenly change and any unused product in the pump, manifold or boom can be returned to the tank until weather conditions improve and the operator can prime the boom again and resume spraying.
The LiquidLogic system also features auto-agitation which is especially important when applying powders or granular chemical products. It automatically agitates product in the tank as the tank level increases/decreases which eliminates foaming in the tank.
This will be Scott’s fourth RoGator having previously owned B Series models.
RoGators are tough and reliable sprayers with minimal mechanical issues. Technical support and service provided by the service agents is also excellent.
Scott Smith, Baboo Pastoral Company WA