Avocados in great shape with Croplands Cropliner

May 2023

Croplands Customer Story Goerge Loffler
George Loffler of Loffler Fresh, Ramco SA takes delivery of his Croplands Cropliner 4000. Pictured with Crolands Horticulture Lead and Territory Manager, Andrew Germein

Croplands is helping a busy family business in South Australia reach its full potential.

The Loffler family’s farm in Ramco is called Loffler Fresh. It has 12 ha of avocados and 3 ha of macadamia nuts.

George Loffler and his wife, Sheree, their four daughters and Sheree’s father pack all their own fruit. They sell 50,000 trays of avocados a year.

Producing that much fruit is only possible with their Cropliner XL 4000 tree crop sprayer.

George says there are few pests where they farm in the Riverland region, so insecticides are not vital. What is vital is a plant growth regulator.

The timing and coverage of that spray is critical. It is worth a lot in your pocket, because if it is done right, the plant puts the energy into the fruit and not into growth of the tree. It fills out the fruit and helps hold it on the tree.

George Loffler, Loffler Fresh, Ramco SA

Growth regulators are contact sprays and avocados are tall, vigorous trees. The problem had always been to get full coverage with the regulator up into the upper canopy. George had been searching for a sprayer which could achieve this.

In mid-2022, Andrew Germein from Croplands demonstrated a Cropliner at George’s neighbour’s place.

“The critical height is the tops where the fruit sits. The coverage was amazing. The litmus paper was covered in dots. I said, ‘I want one’.”

George had considered a tower sprayer like the Croplands Quantum, but that would have involved a massive pruning programme because the trees grow across the rows. Instead their 100hp skinny, curvy tractor now eases through the trees, towing the “crop friendly” 4000-litre Cropliner sprayer.

“It follows nicely behind the tractor and it has rounded edges so doesn’t damage the trees.”

The Cropliner XL 4000 has a 4000-litre polyethylene tank. There are smaller models with 1500, 2000 or 3000-litre tanks.

George had first considered a 3000-litre; but the extra capacity allows him to do a 2.4-ha block with one tank.

He usually sprays between 4 and 5 kph. “I was amazed at how quickly I could get through a 6-acre block. It is more than twice as quick as the last sprayer and much more productive.”

Speed matters because there are limited opportunities to spray due to the wind.

“The faster we can get through a block, then the more spraying we can do in the morning.”

Filling the Cropliner is quick and easy. It can take in water through the top fill or through fast fill connections at ground level. A chemical probe inducts chemicals out of containers on the ground.

“You don’t have to handle chemicals or lift anything above your head.”

It has an 80-litre flushing tank and a 15-litre fresh water tank.

George likes good machinery, and expects to look after it. “I make sure it is cleaned out properly before putting it away. The flushing tank is a bonus.”

Cropliners use a Fieni DSV fan. There are two fan sizes, 920 mm or 1060 mm. The Lofflers chose the bigger version.

“The 1060 fan moves the leaves, which enables it to achieve this kind of coverage. I have never seen anything like it. It can blow trees two rows across.”

When he is spraying 8m trees he can see the spray shooting over the top. He has looked for tree damage, but there is none.

Cropalnds Cropliner XV in citrus orchard
Cropliner XV with 1060mm FIeni fan in action in a citrus grove

“The fan has two speed settings. We use the slower speed on the younger trees, which are 3m or 4m tall. We are getting good penetration and saving on fuel.”

He also uses the slower setting on taller trees that have been well pruned.

The standard pump on a Cropliner XL 4000 is an Annovi Reverberi BHS-170. George chose to go higher spec and got the AR BHS-200 which pumps 194 litres/min at a maximum pressure of 50 bar.

It comes with two sets of nozzles – 30 stainless steel with brass cores and 30 Albuz ceramic hollow cones.

Another bonus is how easy the Cropliner is to use and control with the HV-4000 spray controller.

“Once you are in it, you follow your nose, and it is all automatic. It is simple to set up and gives plenty of options.”

With his previous sprayer there were lots of calculations to make to get the correct rate. With the Cropliner, George enters the required rate and row spacing, and the controller factors in the tractor speed and keeps the rate constant.

“To change the rate from 2000 litres/ha to 1200 litres/ha for smaller trees is as simple as pushing a button.”

On the last row, one side can be turned off. And when turning at the head of rows everything can be flicked off with one button.

For really small trees George turns off the top nozzles. The controller figures that out too.

“It is so much easier to turn off the top four nozzles and say, ‘I want to spray at 1000 litres/ha and you work it out, Controller’.”

The Lofflers only use the Cropliner three to four times a year for the growth regulator and foliar nutrient sprays.

“Even if we only used it once a year, it would pay for itself. The fruit shape is really good,” George says.

Their Croplands dealer is Ronco Motors at Loxton. “They have been good through the whole process. Whenever we had any questions or problems, they have helped work everything out.”

George is a very happy customer. He has sprayed his own property and that of a neighbour who was having troubles accessing the tops of his trees.

“He saw that our tops were covered with spray, even through heavy foliage. He was impressed too.

“Our Cropliner has done everything we have asked of it. It is awesome. Everything I look at tells me it is doing its job. I am impressed with the whole set-up.”

If you are ever in a café in Sydney, Adelaide or Melbourne the chances are that avocado you are eating exists because of George Loffler and Croplands.


Quantum Towers protect valuable crop in NSW

April 2023

Lachlan Hoskin Costa Berries
Lachlan Hoskin, Tractor Operations Co-Ordinator at Costa Berries Corindi, NSW

Costa Berries has been growing blueberries in Corindi, New South Wales for 35 years.

Lachlan Hoskin is the Tractor Operations Co-ordinator at Costa Berries’ 330-ha Corindi farm. Costa Berries is part of the Costa Group, Australia’s biggest producer of fruit and vegetables.

Costa grows a variety of berries, including blackberries and raspberries, but Lachlan specialises in blueberries.

“When they first started, growing them here, there was no blueberry industry in Australia. They developed the industry.”

Costa Berries pioneered the blueberry industry in Australia

This pioneering Corindi farm began using Croplands sprayers twenty years ago. Initially they were mixed in with other brands, but over the last ten years they have shifted to using Croplands sprayers exclusively.

Blueberries grow in rows 3m apart. The plants are on a 10-to-14 day rotation for cover spray.

Four Croplands Quantum Tower trailed sprayers work five nights a week, protecting the crop.

Behind the tank is a tower with three QM-500 fans on each side. They cover both sides of the row and give full coverage of the crop, from top to bottom.

The Quantum has six separate heads, rather than one big one. It creates a vortex that gives better coverage without the force of air, so we don’t have to blast the plants with so much air.

Lachlan Hoskin, Costa Berries, Corindi NSW

Lachlan says the blueberries are pruned to a height 1.8m, but the Quantum can be adjusted to cover up to 5m. (Another model, the Quantum Ultra Tower, has eight fans for taller trees.)

“In one night we spray blueberry bushes of different ages and stages. We try to stick with one setting, but if they are really young we can loosen a couple of bolts and adjust the angle of the fan.”

The advantages of the Quantum tower are coverage and fuel efficiency.

“The Quantum has six separate heads, rather than one big one. It creates a vortex that gives better coverage without the force of air, so we don’t have to blast the plants with so much air,” Lachlan says.

The Quantum “has a huge air flow” of 109,000m3 per hour. Lachlan does not need that much flow and can turn it down from within the cab.

“We adjust according to the different types of crops. There are different sub-variants of blueberries. Some are in the ground and are some in tunnels. We adjust the fan speed to suit.”

The litres/ha spray rate is adjustable within the cab, and either side can be switched off for the end row.

Targeted coverage

Each fan has eight ceramic, cone-jet nozzles. They can be optioned at 60 or 80 degrees. “We did coverage tests and found 80-degrees worked best for our crops.”

Lachlan says they change the nozzles every season, “whether they need it or not”.

It takes a bit of effort to block a Quantum Tower. “It has high and low pressure filters. You can block it, but it’s nothing to do with Croplands. It is the operator not mixing the chemical correctly.”

The Quantums are not fussy about the type of chemical they spray.

“Granules, liquid and powder chemical – they can take it all without problems.”

Lachlan is about to get a Venturi-based mixing station from Croplands to make it even easier for staff to mix the batches. It comes with a flush tank for easy clean-out.

Quantum Towers can be specified with a main polyethylene tank in four sizes: 4000 XL, 3000 XL and 2000 XL. The 2000-litre 2000 XL is also available as in Slimline version that is only 1.4m wide.

“We used to have a wider tank, but we have gone for the Slimline to minimise contact and damage to plants.”

The Slimlines are longer which makes them a little less manoeuvrable, but that is easy to deal with. “We normally have two machines in one block and they do every second row.”

Effortless operations

Costa Berries is a big organisation so there are many people who could be operating the sprayers.

“We do training in operation and maintenance, and they are simple to use and maintain. People get up and running quickly,” Lachlan says.

The Corindi farm has 70 ha of raspberries, which are also grown in substrates within tunnel houses. Currently Lachlan uses six Croplands CropAir air-blast sprayers to protect the raspberries. The CropAir has one big fan.

These come in a variety of sizes and Corindi uses the 1500-litre trailed models.

CropAir 1000
CropAir 1500-litre trailed – shown here in a vineyard

The CropAir sprayers do a good job on the raspberries, but Lachlan is looking at changing to the Quantum Towers for them as well.

There are two main reasons to swap to the Towers – better coverage with more fans and better fuel efficiency. “The CropAir needs more horsepower to turn that big fan.”

Costa Berries’ Croplands sales representative is Dave Farmer, who covers NSW and Tasmania.

“Dave has been servicing our farm for 20 plus years. He has been a great help over the years.

“Croplands holds parts in South Australia. They air freight them to us quickly if we ever need anything.”

Learn more about Costa Berries here.


Croplands celebrates 50 years

20 December 2022

More than 150 people from across the world gathered in Adelaide last week to mark the 50th anniversary of Croplands Equipment with a site tour, product update and gala dinner.

Guests visit Croplands Dry Creek

Guests included dealers, suppliers and staff who were treated to exclusive insights across the Croplands product range, including Compact, horticulture, broadacre, RoGator and WEED-IT.

Among the guests were three generations of the Deck family, including Croplands founder Miles Deck and his sons Brendan (General Manager North America, Nufarm) and Greg (Director, Croplands Spray Shop, NZ), as well as Brendan’s son Jeremy who works for Croplands as the Compact Product Lead and Territory Manager Southern Vic.

Also in attendance was Nufarm Ltd Chief Financial Officer, Paul Townsend. While Croplands was started as a family business, it was purchased by Nufarm in 1988.

gala dinner highlights

Croplands founder Miles Deck and his sons Brendan (L) and Greg (R) spoke at the Gala Dinner along with Croplands General Manager, Sean Mulvaney and Nufarm CFO, Paul Townsend.

“This was a great opportunity to have our suppliers and dealers here in Adelaide to celebrate our partnerships and the success of Croplands over 50 years. What I’ve loved about being part of Croplands for more than 20 years is that we are always looking to the future. The question has never been about what are we going to do next, it’s always been about what can we do next.”

Sean Mulvaney, Croplands General Manager

New Vineyard Sprayer on display

One of the highlights of the product update was the introduction of the new Croplands Quantum VinePro vineyard sprayer.

Quantum Vine Pro
Croplands Quantum VinePro is the next generation vineyard sprayer

The Vine Pro is the complete vineyard sprayer package which features all of the leading spray technology from the Quantum Smart Spray but in a safer and more versatile package, featuring Croplands’ revolutionary QM-420 fans. These industry-leading fans produce highly turbulent, high-volume air for superior canopy penetration and crop protection.

However, what makes the VinePro safer than other makes and models is its unique design, which includes tanks with square side walls and 20 per cent of its capacity below the chassis level, making it harder to shift the centre of gravity and reducing the risk of rollovers in undulating terrain.

It will also feature market-leading access to tank lids, removing the need to climb ladders, and controlled overflow which diverts any spillage down the centre of the machine and away from the operator. There will be a limited release of the VinePro in 2023, including 2500-litre and 3500-litre models.

Site tour highlights

Other highlights of the day included a site tour led by Croplands General Manager Sean Mulvaney. This encompassed the neighbouring site Croplands leased earlier this year which has given the company forty percent additional capacity.

Guests were also shown through the Croplands warehouse where 44,000 different line items are managed and through Croplands’ production facility.

Also on display was Croplands’ Sonic WEED-IT 7000-litre sprayer from it’s recent acquisition, Sonic Boomsprays from Western Australia. These machines are designed and built in the WA wheatbelt and have huge capacity, with models that feature up to a 13,000-litre tank and 48-metre boom.

Miles Deck Croplands Founder

“Being here at the factory and witnessing the growth first-hand has blown me away…I could cry. Good things come from small beginnings. On the original Croplands logo, we had every different crop type, even though we were primarily horticulture when I started the company. I had a feeling the Croplands brand could be expanded to meet the needs of every different crop and here we are.”

Miles Deck, Croplands Founder

the day in photos…

Croplands 50 year gala dinner

20 December 2022

What a celebration! We welcomed more than 150 people from across the globe to Adelaide in December 2022 to mark the 50th anniversary of Croplands Equipment.

Following a site visit and product update at our Dry Creek facility, guests joined Croplands staff at the National Wine Centre for an evening of celebrations and festivities.

Dinner speakers included Sean Mulvaney, Croplands General Manager; Miles Deck, Croplands founder and his two sons Brendan and Greg; as well as Paul Townsend, Nufarm Chief Financial Officer.

Watch the highlights below.

Sean mulvaney, Croplands Equipment General Manager

Paul Townsend, Nufarm ltd. chief financial officer

Miles Deck, Croplands Founder

brendan Deck, regional general manager – Nufarm north america and past croplands general manager

greg Deck, director Croplands spray shop NZ & son of Croplands founder

the Night in photos…

thank you to all Croplands employees, dealers, suppliers and friends for their support.

Croplands acquires Sonic Boomsprays

08 November 2022

Croplands Equipment is strengthening its manufacturing footprint through the acquisition of Western Australian owned and operated sprayer manufacturer Sonic Boomsprays.

The acquisition of Sonic follows the expansion of Croplands’ Adelaide manufacturing site, announced earlier this year, and will deliver additional capacity and operating efficiencies to meet the needs of growers across Australia.

Sonic was established by Max and Lynette Hebbermann in 1995 with an aim to produce premium quality spraying equipment for the broadacre spraying industry. The company specialises in sprayers fitted with cable-suspended hydraulic booms.

Croplands General Manager Sean Mulvaney said Croplands and Sonic have built a strong relationship over the past four years, having collaborated on the development and commercialisation of the award-winning WEED-IT Sonic sprayer range.

Croplands and Sonic have been collaborating on the WEED-IT Sonic range

“We see Sonic as a perfect fit for Croplands as the companies share many values including quality, integrity, resourcefulness and an ongoing industry commitment to produce spraying solutions that deliver efficiency and long-term sustainability for growers,” he said.

“Croplands also started as a family business and while we’ve grown a lot over 50 years, we are still guided by the same strong family values, driven by integrity and a respect for the challenges faced by our customers.”

“The acquisition of Sonic will increase Croplands’ capacity to bring WEED-IT equipped sprayers to market and also accelerate market access for the wider Sonic product range through Croplands’ extensive sales, distribution and service network.”

“Sonic has been an important contributor to the Narembeen shire. Our intent is to continue expanding the operation to provide additional employment opportunities for the local community.”

Scot Craig, Croplands Regional Manager WA, Max and Lynette Hebberman, Sonic founders, Sean Mulvaney, Croplands General Manager and Sarah Beasley, Nufarm Human Resources.

Mr and Mrs Hebbermann will be stepping away from the business, however their children Shanon and Kandi will remain, as will all other Sonic staff.

Settlement will be completed in late November and the business will continue to operate out of the Sonic factory at Narembeen, WA.

We are incredibly excited and confident in this acquisition and the positive impact it will have on the Croplands business as a whole.

Croplands Equipment General Manager, Sean Mulvaney

Since its inception in 1972, Croplands has grown to become one of the most popular sprayer brands on the market, servicing the broadacre, horticulture, viticulture, tree crop, compact and home garden sectors.

Croplands has been owned by Nufarm since 1988 but continues to be guided by the strong family values that marked its beginning in 1972 with Miles Deck and the original Cropliner sprayer.

The backing of Nufarm enables Croplands to support its customers from machinery and equipment right through to application in the field.

Tasmac appointed Croplands dealer in Tasmania

September 2022

Croplands are pleased to announce the appointment of TASMAC as newly authorised dealers in Tasmania.

A well-known name in the farm machinery game, TASMAC is a farm machinery retail business that caters for all facets of the agricultural, construction, lifestyle and specialised mowing communities in Tasmania. With locations in Devonport, Smithton, Launceston and Hobart, the TASMAC team pride themselves on holding experienced, knowledgeable staff and providing top of the range service and advice to their local communities.

Dave Farmer Andrew Layton Cropliner sprayer
Croplands Territory Manager Dave Farmer and TASMAC General Manager Andrew Layton

TASMAC General Manager Andrew Layton said, “The inclusion of Croplands Sprayers into the TASMAC business creates additional strength to our strategic vision, as we create further solutions in alignment with the fast-growing Tasmanian Agriculture sector”.

As a newly appointed Croplands dealer, TASMAC will be offering the full stable of Croplands horticultural sprayers, trailed broadacre sprayers, WEED-IT optical spot sprayers, RoGator self-propelled sprayers and the well-known Compact Sprayers, Parts and Accessories range.

“We are very pleased to welcome TASMAC to the Croplands dealer network,” says Dave Farmer, Croplands Territory Manager NSW/TAS.

“With our many years of combined experience and a shared focus on customer service, we are excited with the potential of this new partnership and look forward to working closely with the TASMAC team moving forward.”

The inclusion of Croplands Sprayers into the TASMAC business creates additional strength to our strategic vision, as we create further solutions in alignment with the fast-growing Tasmanian Agriculture sector

Andrew Layton, TASMAC General Manager

TASMAC is joining Croplands at an exciting time as we celebrate 50 years of operations in 2022.

Since Croplands inception in 1972, our business has grown to become one of the most popular sprayer brands on the market, servicing the broadacre, horticulture, viticulture, tree crop, compact and home garden sectors.

Family steps into the future with RoGator WEED-IT

26 July 2022

Peter Whykes and his sons with their two RoGator RG1300C sprayers, the newest of which is fitted with WEED-IT sensors.

May we all be as productive and willing to learn in our 90s as Peter Whykes.

Now 91, Peter and his son Chris are the primary sprayer operators on the family’s cropping farm, and they are mastering a new RoGator 1300C with WEED-IT spot spray technology.

Three generations of the Whykes family work their 4700-ha dryland farm west of Charlton in Victoria’s Mallee region. They produce barley, wheat, canola, lentils, peas, fava beans, lupin and vetch and oaten hay.

Because they sow their crops using direct drill or minimum tillage, they depend on agrichemicals to control weeds. They use their sprayer to apply a full range of crop protection – herbicides, insecticides and fungicides.

In April the family took ownership of their second self-propelled RoGator, which is equipped with dual spraying technology. It can do traditional blanket spraying or use its WEED-IT Quadro sensors to target individual weeds.

Peter says he and his sons were impressed with their previous 6000-litre RoGator 1300B self-propelled, so they were keen to upgrade it for the new 7000-litre RoGator 1300C.

“We bought the first RoGator in this area. It is a great machine with a strong boom. We ordered the new one with WEED-IT sensors because we want to reduce our chemical usage.

There are two big benefits to using less chemicals. One is that it is better for the environment and our soils, and the second is we will save money and time.

Peter Whykes

The Whykes family was hoping the new sprayer would arrive as scheduled at the beginning of the year because they plan to use its spot spraying capability during late summer and early autumn.

As it turned out, it did not arrive until April. Although it was late, it did arrive in time for them to see how effective it is. Both Peter and his son Jon are impressed.

“The sensors need to be able to distinguish the green weeds against brown soil, so we will mainly use spot spraying to apply glyphosate and paraquat during the summer fallow prior to sowing.

“It seems to be very accurate and it has done a good job. We were able to target weeds with the sensors while operating at 17-18 kph,” Peter says.

Jon estimates the WEED-IT spot spraying technology will reduce their chemical use during summer and autumn by 50-80 percent.

We would have saved $100,000 if we had used the WEED-IT over the whole summer. We did one job for a neighbour on contract and we used 30 percent of the amount of chemical we anticipated to do the job.

John Whykes

During blanket spraying, Peter says it is easy to prime the boom. An agitator in the tank works continuously and the product is continuously pumped through the boom so there is not a delay when spraying starts.

RoGator RG1300C


The RoGator 1300C is also very easy to calibrate and has impressive section control, both of which come down to Capstan Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) technology. PWM regulates the application rate independent of pressure and it gives the ability to control every nozzle individually.

With Capstan PWM, 50hz solenoids mean nozzles constantly switch on and off up to 50 times per second. This gives the ability to vary the amount of time a nozzle cycles, making it possible to vary application rates while keeping the pressure constant.

“Using the previous system, if you wanted to increase the spray rate, the pump sped up and that increased the pressure so a bigger volume of chemical went out. The problem with that is it can encourage spray drift through fine droplets as the pressure increased,” Jon says.

“With this system, you put in the preselected application rate and pressure. As the speed of the sprayer varies, the pulsing rate of the nozzles adjusts to maintain the rate and the pressure. You know that 99 percent of the droplets are the right size to hit the target.”

nozzle control

Jon says this system also gives full individual nozzle control. This includes turn compensation so that during turns, each nozzle applies the exact rate required to make coverage consistent across the boom.

Individual nozzles also turn off if they are approaching an area that has already been sprayed. Section control in the Whykes’ previous RoGator deactivated and activated a cluster of nozzles.

This meant a number of nozzles would turn on together, even if only one in the cluster was over an area that had been not been sprayed. This could lead to over spraying and the extra costs and potential crop damage it can cause.

Boom auto fold and cruise control

“Another big step up with our new RoGator is the auto fold function for the boom,” Jon says. “With this one, there is just a single button that you push to fold out or in.”

“The new RoGator also has two auto cruise controls. You select the work speed and the turning speed and then you can just switch between them.”

sustainable spraying with WEED-IT

With its ability to reduce drift and spot spray, the new RoGator with WEED-IT is helping the Whykes family keep up with the very latest in technology and stay ahead of the regulators.

They believe that in the future all farmers and contractors will have to be able to show that they are only using the chemicals they need to use, and that they are only applying them where they need to go.


O’Connors appointed weed-it dealers

July 2022

With a combined 108-years of experience in the farm machinery game, machinery dealer group O’Connors  share Croplands’ passion for delivering world-class technology to Australia’s world-class farmers.

It is with this in mind that we are pleased to announce a new partnership with the appointment of O’Connors as authorised dealers of Croplands market-leading WEED-IT optical spot spraying technology.

Croplands WEED-IT
Croplands WEED-IT systems now available at O’Connors dealership locations

Established in north-west Victoria in 1964, O’Connors is an award-winning machinery dealership offering an extensive range of both new and used agricultural equipment, precision agriculture products, innovative technology and exceptional customer service.

Along with community engagement this makes O’Connors a reliable, local partner. Having developed teams of high-quality staff at each location with extensive knowledge and a high level of technical training, O’Connors confidently offers farmers the level of support they deserve to be at their best.

Tom Sheridan, Group Sales Development Manager at O’Connors is excited for the partnership and the opportunities it presents for broadacre farmers in the O’Connors Dealership Network.

“Our customers are some of the most innovative farmers in the world and we need to ensure we can supply them with equipment that keeps them at the forefront of profitable and sustainable farming practices. The WEED-IT Optical Spot Sprayers by Croplands are widely respected as the industry leaders in spot spraying technology, with a calculatable and achievable return on investment for farmers who are dedicated to achieving a successful summer fallow.”

Mr Sheridan explained “When we were presented with the opportunity to market the product across our fifteen dealership locations it was a simple business decision for our group.”

O'Connors Croplands WEED-IT Training
O’Connors staff have undertaken training in the WEED-IT system

O’Connors Staff recently undertook technical training in the WEED-IT system and the capabilities of the product.

O’Connors Machinery Sales Representative, Alex Noonan, one of the staff involved, was impressed with the capability of the equipment.

“It’s certainly a product that our customers have been asking after – the opportunity the reduce chemical use in the summer fallow management period is a high priority for broadacre farmers.” he said.

The addition of Croplands WEED-IT to the O’Connors dealer network represents another significant step for the group as they also celebrate a recent expansion through the acquisition of the former Sunrise Ag Case IH dealerships in Swan Hill, Ouyen and Mildura. These acquisitions take the group’s footprint to fifteen locations and allow the organisation to enhance its product, parts and service offering for the benefit of their customers now and into the future.

Broadacre TrailedO’Connors will be offering the full range of Croplands WEED-IT optical spot spraying solutions and parts as well as retaining the Broadacre Trailing and Compact Sprayers and Components product offering in the acquired Sunrise dealerships.

leARN mORE about weed-it